In a tragic turn of events, a family from Arkansas was caught in a devastating house explosion in Northfield Township, Michigan. The fatal incident, which occurred over the weekend, claimed the lives of four family members and critically injured another.
The Northfield Township Police Department identified the victims as Hope Bragg, 51, her husband Don Bragg, 53, and their children, Kenneth, 22, and Elizabeth, 19. The family hailed from Monticello, Arkansas, and was visiting Michigan for the holiday season.
The explosion, which occurred at the residence of Hope Bragg’s father, Richard Pruden, 72, left him in critical condition. Stephen Bragg, 16, survived the blast and is currently in stable condition.
Authorities investigating the explosion, which happened about 45 miles west of Detroit, have indicated that it was likely caused by flammable fuel in the air. They have ruled out foul play as a contributing factor. The force of the explosion was so severe that it completely destroyed the home, leaving Lt. David Powell of the Northfield Township Police Department to remark on the unprecedented scale of the damage.
Hope Bragg, one of the victims, was an instructor at the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, while her husband Don worked as a research forester at the U.S. Forest Service. Their professional details were confirmed through their LinkedIn profiles.
This incident has sent shockwaves through the community, both in Michigan and Arkansas, as family, friends, and colleagues mourn the loss and grapple with the aftermath of such a sudden tragedy.