In a heart-wrenching tragedy that struck the town of Somers, four young children have perished in a devastating house fire. The fatal incident occurred on Tuesday night in a two-family home, leaving the community in shock and grief.
First Selectman Tim Keeney revealed the ages of the victims as 5, 6, 8, and 12 years old. The fire, reported around 10:30 p.m. at a residence on Quality Avenue, presented a dire scene as firefighters arrived to find the house completely engulfed in flames. Despite the challenging circumstances, the firefighters valiantly attempted several rescues.
Somers Fire Department Chief John Roache initially reported at least one casualty, but it was later confirmed by the First Selectman that four children tragically lost their lives in the blaze. The severity of the fire made it extremely difficult for the firefighters to access the building, which is now deemed a total loss.
According to Roache, the front of the house was heavily involved in flames from the first floor to the second, limiting access and complicating the rescue efforts. He commended the crews for their extraordinary efforts in rescuing several victims from the inferno. The situation was so dire that one individual was forced to jump out of a second-floor window to escape the flames.
It is believed that eleven people lived in the home, with seven residing on one side and four on the other. However, it is unclear whether all occupants were home at the time of the fire.
LifeStar confirmed their involvement, stating that they were called in to transport patients from the scene, though the exact number of people transported remains unknown.
The Connecticut State Police are also present at the site, with the state fire marshal’s office leading the investigation into the cause of the fire.
This tragic event has deeply impacted the Somers community, as it comes to terms with the loss of four young lives. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of residential fires and the importance of fire safety measures.